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Client reviews for Elisa Becker at Leap with Lisa
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Lisa was great for the development of myself as a coach and helped me keep to my vision.

I got a supportive direct path that kept me on the vision. Lisa was very good at navigating my habit of hopping on and hopping off ideas that I would never followed through with. She helped me believe in myself and gave me great confidence in my work, which ultimately led to me making my first sale, and many others after that and my first successful launch of my program!

Chantel Horst

15 Jan, 2024

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A container of support and clarity

Every session that I had with Lisa left me with a sense of either excitement, relief, peace and always clarity. She was always so supportive, holding the highest version of myself accountable in such a loving way. Her ability to listen and coach me through moments of confusions or doubt was amazing. I truly left every session feeling seen and heard. Over the year that we worked together, I changed into a more self-aware human which, in turn, helped move the needle in my business. I am forever grateful and would highly recommend!

Kathryn McArdle, Kathryn Grace Coaching

7 Oct, 2023

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The BEST investment I've made in my business ( and myself <3 )

Working with Lisa has been the BEST decision I have made for my business all year. I knew when I saw Lisa's content online that she was the coach that I needed to support me in making a noticeable shift happen in my coaching business. I'm a very passionate and emotional person and I also am a firm believer in finding a good work life balance. What I've learned is that part of this comes from making decisions from an aligned place. Unfortunately, my brain was so cluttered with information from multiple sources before I worked with Lisa, that I was having trouble doing this. But through her expertise, Lisa helped me see multiple options and her recommendations were so aligned with what I was feeling inside that I was able to make new systems that worked for me and how I want to run my business. Her ability to listen deeply, provide suggestions, and send permission slips as needed, has helped me grow as induvial and a business owner this year in a way that is completely authentic to me. I HIGHLY recommend Lisa's services because I know if not for her support I wouldn't have so much clarity around my niche and services. That clarity is already bring me opportunites I've been dreaming of for months! Thank you, thank you, thank you Lisa!!

Brenna Potter, Coaching to Confidence, LLC

4 Sep, 2023

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Transformative Intuitive Strategy Session

My Intuitive Strategy Session was just what I needed to help me gain clarity and confidence in my signature offer. Elisa was not only welcoming, intuitive, and warm but also helped give specific suggestions to help me shift my mindset. Plus she sent a follow-up email recapping the session along with actionable homework that I can use over and over. Highly recommend booking an Intuitive Strategy Session if you're feeling stuck in business🥰

Francisca Hernandez

18 Jul, 2023

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Lisa helps you do the deep work

Lisa has an incredible ability to simplify business strategy and help you implement things in your business that work for you based on your needs. She pulls from her experience to help you tailor new strategies that work for you and your business.

She's been able to help me simplify and put together new systems and schedules that help me keep organized, motivated and on track in business.

Beyond that, she does an incredible job of helping you work through the mindset stuff. And I cannot express how important that was for me during our work together.

With her help and guidance, we were able to uncover some deep-rooted beliefs and fears that were holding me back, and she was able to provide me with tools to help me work through those things.

When I look back at how I felt about myself, my business and my confidence before and after working with Lisa, it's a night and day difference.

Now I feel capable and confident in my ability to be a good coach and to build a business that feels good and works. I walked away from our 6 months together with a deep knowing that no matter what life throws at me going forward, I have everything I need to create success for myself and my family.

Valorie Zillinski, Life Alchemy Coaching Ltd

10 Apr, 2023

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A motivational and inspirational experience

I greatly enjoyed and appreciated our time together. After every call I felt motivated and I reached clarity on whatever it was we were talking through during that call. Lisa was also great at pointing out a new perspective, light on a blindspot I had. She really understands marketing and helping you to get clear on how you can best reach your target audience.

Kathryn McArdle, Kathryn Grace Coaching

6 Apr, 2023

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Laura Durbin

Working with Lisa was life changing! I came across Lisa one year ago, right after I graduated from a coach training program. I remember feeling lost on how to get my business off the ground. I was putting in so much effort with little results. I got off our first session together thinking, "That was the best coaching call I've ever been a part of!". It only got better from there. Through our work together, I went from feeling confused, exhausted and frustrated to being in love in with my business. Not only did I grow as a business owner, but as a person. So many areas of my life are improved as a result of our work together. I am proud to say I left my 9-5 in October of 2022 and my business is thriving. I even have a team to support me. I couldn't recommend Lisa more!

Laura Durbin, Prefurred Pets Nashville

22 Mar, 2023

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Living My Best Life!

When I met Lisa almost two years ago, I was in a job I did not love and was unhealthy in my body and spirit. During our first introductory session, Lisa asked me some tough questions about my purpose and what I wanted my life to be. The answers to those questions told me I needed to make some major changes to not feel trapped and unfulfilled. I committed to putting myself first and signed up with Lisa as my one-on-one coach to help me create my dream life--of being a writer and owning my spice business. With Lisa's insight and encouraging support, I am now living my best life!

Naaznin Deaton, SaucyBrownGirl Sauces and Spices

26 Feb, 2023

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Quick Clarity!

I had a great session with Lisa to refine and clarify my client path. She made me realize what pieces I already had in place and a few areas where I could utilize my data to make more informed choices with my marketing plans. It was really helpful to just talk through the process and get some new perspectives on creating a solid client path! Lisa is easy going, intuitive and obviously very talented with her work!

Sonya Highfield , Real World Creatives

11 Jul, 2022

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One of the most powerful coaching moments of my life thus far!

I went into the intuitive strategy session feeling hopeful, but did not expect what I received. In our session together, I gained a clear action plan for my business. A plan that feels soul aligned and just GOOD to me. I also received guidance on my next steps when it comes to my 9-5 job that I am working as I grow my business. Lisa was able to use her own intuition and ask questions to help me hear my own to guide me in such practical ways. In the past, I have always either received very practical steps OR spiritual guidance from coaches. Lisa was able to give me BOTH. She is so so skilled and AMAZING at what she does.

Monica Deumic, Pediatric Sleep Consultant and Teacher

12 May, 2022

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Highly recommended

I just completed a Booked-out Business Intensive with Elisa and gained a tremendous amount of value. Before the call, I didn't know what I exactly needed, as I assumed my upcoming offer was well thought out. However, throughout the call with Elisa, I gained so much insight and awareness around my coaching offers that I hadn't considered. I walked away with so many take-aways that I know will make such a difference. I 10/10 recommend booking a call!

Laura Durbin, Laura Liz Life Coaching

6 Feb, 2022

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Excatly what I needed 😊

I came to Elisa because I had a sense of "chaos" in my business. I felt I was not bringing across the message I wanted to have my audience understand what I can support them with as a Coach and Elisa helped me find the red thread and to bring together all those pieces I had into one coherent strategy. Her way of making strategy feel good to ME was exactly what I needed support on and I am amazed how much we covered in just one session!!! Thank you so much for you support, Elisa 😘

Daria Müller, Daria Rosl

21 Nov, 2021

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Absolutely Eye-Opening

Hello Elisa, Thank you so much for working with me to bring my dream business into reality! When I first signed up for the call I was quite nervous and didn't know what to expect. As soon as we were on the call I felt at ease and could relax completely. You gave me so much room for my dreams and made them possible for me to achieve! Before our meeting I had no clue what my business would be and now I can see it clearly and am excited to get started. Having a concrete plan for the next six months is giving me so much peace and confidence around the whole business creating process. I loved working with you and am sure I will seek you out again if I ever run into a roadblock along the way.


9 Apr, 2021

Elisa Becker

Business Coach